Labelle Cuisine: Recipes to Sing About
    by Patti LaBelle

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Monday, June 19, 2006


Ermm it took me a while to get this running (sorry guys!) working like a snail right now. Who has any ideas on the template, if you think I should make any changes or you want to add anything. Let me know so we can get cracking and start adding recipes. Right now the template is unfinished but just so you know it exists!


PLS Invite peeps...

Comments on ""


Blogger Onada - Fashion and Photography said ... (6:14 AM) : 

LOVE IT !!! will be posting my recipies this week for puff puff and scotch egg!! well done.


Blogger Aramide said ... (6:29 AM) : 

LOL cheers babes xxx


Blogger Mari said ... (8:27 AM) : 

Nice nice nice...I havent really cooked in a while but I'll think of something to share.
Regarding template, its not so bad for now but if come across anything I'll let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:31 AM) : 

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Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:38 AM) : 

Very Nice!


Blogger remi said ... (3:58 PM) : 

Amazing stuff. Good to see a few Nigerian food sites coming up. I have a list of Nigerian Restaurants in London on my site (check sidebar or projects). Might be useful.


Blogger Lowla said ... (6:56 AM) : 

Ok.. I'd love to join the F&N club.. will that be ok?

hmm.. some questions though..
Is it just limited to Nigerian dishes or just any kind of dish..
I loove cooking that I can't wait to own my own BIG kitchen and experiemtn and try out different cuisines.. You can also check out some templates here: Gecko and Fly.. Im still in the process of customizing and decorating mine to look real nice.. oh maybe this whole blogigng club thing might just inspire me..


Blogger TEMITAYO OMOLOLA said ... (7:37 AM) : 

I know it's late but can i join pleeeeeeeese


Blogger Aramide said ... (2:34 AM) : 

I've invited the rest of y'all :o)


Blogger Biodun said ... (10:33 AM) : 

I want to join too o, pls who knows how 2 make efo ri ro, u know the one with egusi n stuff, pls post the recipe if u do, thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:48 PM) : 

Hello All,

Does anyone have a recipe for making meat pies the naija way. Tried using google but nothing too reliable came up.




Blogger Jatin Sethi said ... (1:11 AM) : 

happy valentines day wallpaper


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